LinkedIn's Surprising New Puzzle Games

LinkedIn is testing a new approach to engagement by introducing casual games to its platform. In a departure from its typical professional focus, the networking site plans to beta test puzzle games that users can play directly in the LinkedIn mobile app.

According to reports, LinkedIn is developing three initial puzzle games called "Queens", "Crossclimb", and "Inference". These games will allow users to play solo or participate in team-based, competitive gameplay. LinkedIn aims to make the games simple enough that brief sessions can be incorporated into workplace breaks. However, they also see potential for the games to facilitate social connections between users.

Scores and rankings will track individual and company-wide performance. This competitive element is intended to spark conversations around results. It may also provide bragging rights for top-scoring companies to tout with clients. Only time will tell if users will appreciate bringing a gaming component into their professional networking activities through LinkedIn.

Incorporating games marks a divergence for LinkedIn, which traditionally focuses on career development features. However, their goal is to increase engagement levels by giving users an additional reason to spend more time interacting on the platform.

If members participate in the games, it could translate to higher usage metrics. This would benefit LinkedIn's business models centered around advertising and recruiting tools.

Of course, questions remain around whether a gaming feature truly aligns with LinkedIn's overarching mission. Their audience of professionals may not react positively to incorporating casual distractions into their LinkedIn experiences. Only testing can reveal how receptive the community will be to trying out the puzzle games when they are introduced.

Regardless of whether games stick around, LinkedIn's experiment shows their willingness to explore new ways of capturing user attention. As social platforms continuously test novel features, professional networking sites may need to get more creative too.

It will be fascinating to watch how LinkedIn members respond to having games added to the mix of their professional profiles and updates. Stay tuned for updates on the testing and results of LinkedIn's surprising new direction.

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