Meta Provides Valuable Insights for Lead Generation Ad Campaigns

Seasonal trends present opportunities for businesses to find new customers. Certain times of the year like the new year, spring cleaning, and summer vacations lead people to be more open to services companies offer.

Last spring saw a 19% year over year growth in lead ad submissions on Meta platforms. Taking advantage of peak seasons is a smart tactic for marketers to utilize when running lead generation ad campaigns. Careful consideration of when people may be more receptive can help drive better results.

The form users fill out to submit their information is another important factor. Meta recommends marketers leverage their instant forms which eliminate friction in the process. Things like auto-filling user details and fast loading on mobile devices create a smoother experience.

Research from one consultant found instant form leads were stickier than those from websites due to the ease of use. Their advice is to keep the form as short as possible, only asking for name and email, to make it very easy for potential customers. Reducing friction at every step increases the likelihood someone provides their contact information.

Artificial intelligence can also boost performance of lead generation ads according to Meta. Using their Advantage+ audience targeting with instant forms saw an average 8% reduction in cost-per-lead.

Their conditional logic and conversions API integration provide even more opportunities for refinement. Dynamic forms presenting tailored questions based on responses capture the most important information. Connecting lead data to CRM software through the API aids with optimizing targeting. These AI features give marketers powerful tools for their campaigns when utilized properly.

A key part of success involves making it simple to submit information. Instant forms that auto-fill details and load quickly on mobile devices create a smoother experience for potential customers. Keeping forms short and only requiring name and email reduces friction.

These tactics have been shown to result in stickier leads that convert at higher rates. Seasonal trends also present opportunities to find new customers when they are more open to services. AI features from Meta can further boost performance of lead generation ad campaigns when leveraging targeted audiences and dynamic forms.

For businesses running lead generation ad campaigns, the insights shared provide a solid foundation. Implementing tactics like leveraging seasonal trends, using instant forms, and taking advantage of AI features in targeting can help optimize results. Be sure to consider testing campaigns on the Great SMM panel.